Flea Infestation – Flea Control
With over 2,500 different species of fleas worldwide, the predominant flea found in our homes is the ‘Ctenocephalides felis’, better known as the cat flea and responsible for around 70% of all flea complaints.
Other species include the dog flea (Ctenocephalides canis) found both on humans and pets, particularly in their bedding. The rarest to be found is the human flea (Pulex irritans) is also found on humans, in bedrooms and is capable of breeding on pigs, badgers, foxes and hedgehogs.
What are Fleas?
Firstly, don’t be ashamed if you have been infested with Fleas in your home or Offices! It can happen to any of us, whether at an individual’s residence, or a place of work, fleas can strike. That’s why Pest2Kill are here to provide an expert termination service
Fleas are small flightless insects that form the order of Siphonaptera. They vary in size from 1mm, such as the rabbit flea, to the mole flea that can be up to 8mm. Varying in colour, from light brown to nearly black although most encountered by pest controllers are a reddish brown. They are flattened from side to side in appearance, allowing them to move easily through hair and fur and are covered in backward facing bristles. They have well developed muscles in the hind limbs adapted for jumping. Fleas have no wings, reduced or no compound eyes and piercing and sucking mouth parts. Adult fleas live as parasites on warm-blooded animals and although they show host preference they will feed on sources of blood in the absence of their normal host. Some flea species are unable to breed without the presence of the blood from their definitive host.
Fleas often go unnoticed until August – September when either people are bitten, or pets begin to suffer. When very hungry, fleas will jump onto people (not their preferred host) feed a little on blood, then leap off again to await a more suitable host. Bites to humans can cause intense reddened irritation around a central red spot which can last for up to 2 days. First bites are not usually responsible for serious reactions although subsequent ones may lead to hypersensitivity among some people.
Fleas continue to be a pest and their control remains a necessity. The correct flea control measures can only be decided once the level of infestation has been determined. In many cases, infestations (even of spotlessly clean homes) can usually be attributed to pets, who may well have picked up fleas from outside sources. Other possible hosts need to be identified should this not be the case. Birds’ nests for instance are a common source of fleas outside the home. A professional pest control technician will be able to carry out a risk assessment, identify the level of infestation and provide advice and carry out treatment to eradicate the problem.
Are they Invading the workplace? ………..
More recently pest controllers are being called to offices as their workers are complaining of being bitten by insects, but when they attend there are no signs of insect infestation. The reason is being attributed to ‘Cable bugs’ (better known as static electricity). In environments where there are sources of static, such as the computer consoles and, especially where nylon carpeting is fitted, a phenomenon occurs which results in realistic-looking bite marks on the skin that look and feel exactly like flea bites.
In rooms containing a lot of paper, electrical equipment and fibres, static electricity can cause particles of carpet fibres, paper splinters or fibreglass fibres to jump onto arms and legs. When static electricity builds up, tiny sharp particles of nylon carpeting can leap out of the carpet and embed themselves in the skin. In such cases the problem can be solved by an anti-static preparation, or by ventilating poorly ventilated rooms. An antistatic cleaner treatment can be used on carpets and other surfaces which will prevent the effects of static for weeks before retreatment is necessary.
Remember should you have a flea infestation in your property, whether residential or commercial, act immediately, do not delay call the professionals to remove eradicate these pests from your home or business. Flea Pest Control, don’t let the situation escalate, act fast before you get over run Pest2Kill offer a same day, 24-hour service to put your mind at rest call 020 7205 2229 and let us sort the problem for you.
Read more about flea pest control in Essex and London here